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Career Services Academic Hall, Room 057 (573) 651-2583
Who Should I Include?
Current and former supervisors,
professors, co-workers, coaches,
mentors, or some peers can all be
appropriate references. In each case,
this person should have worked
directly with you and can speak to
your skills and qualities. Aim for
individuals who know you in a
professional, academic, or
organizational capacity.
What is the process for
requesting references?
Always ask permission from the
individuals that you wish to use as
a reference before using them!
Never provide contact information for
someone who has no idea you are
using it. Inform your chosen
references of your job search and
keep in touch with them so they have
a better idea of your career goals and
can speak on your behalf should they
get contacted by a potential employer.
Supply them with your most recent
How many references do I
Generally, you will be asked to provide at
least three references. It is a good idea to
have a few “backup” references in case
you need to provide more or someone
becomes unavailable. Do not include
references in your resume.
How Should I Supply
Make a separate reference page, in a
complementary format to your resume and
cover letter, which you can provide to an
employer at their request. For guidelines
on what to include, see the sample
“How do I ask?”
“Hello Dr. Smith, I will be graduating in May
and will be seeking a full time position. I
understand how important references are in
the job search, and I would really appreciate
it if you would consider serving as a
reference on my behalf. Would you be
comfortable serving as a reference to
potential employers?
Maintaining a list of professional references you can provide to an employer is a
valuable tool in your job search materials toolkit. Normally, references are contacted
by a potential employer following your interview when you are being highly
considered for the job. You want to be confident that you are providing quality
references that will speak enthusiastically of your background and provide a good

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