HTML Preview Party Event Checklist page number 1.

Checklist For Event Planning
Identify the tasks that need to be completed and delegate them. Set a completion date for each task. Circle
the items that are relevant to your program. All items are not needed for every program. Please feel free to
print this page and use it as often as needed.
The budget: Completion date Assigned to Date completed
Prepare proposed budget ______________ ____________ ______________
Identify funding sources ______________ ____________ ______________
General: Completion date Assigned to Date completed
Check the university calendar _______________ ____________ _____________
Reserve facility ______________ ____________ ______________
Prepare and sign contracts ______________ ____________ ______________
Reserve equipment ______________ ____________ ______________
Coordinate room setup ______________ ____________ ______________
Arrange for security ______________ ____________ ______________
Arrange for disability accommodations ______________ ____________ ______________
Comply with Cornell policies : Completion date Assigned to Date completed
Sales ______________ ____________ ______________
Fund-raising ______________ ____________ ______________
Use of CU logo ______________ ____________ ______________
Noise ______________ ____________ ______________
Bonfire ______________ ____________ ______________
Event Registration Form/UUP ______________ ____________ ______________
Decorations Committee: Completion date Assigned to Date completed
Decide on the theme ______________ ____________ ______________
Design ______________ ____________ ______________
Purchase Materials ______________ ____________ ______________
Construct ______________ ____________ ______________
Entertainment Committee: Completion date Assigned to Date completed
Contract performer(s) ______________ ____________ ______________
Process payment(s) ______________ ____________ ______________
Promotion Committee: Completion date Assigned to Date completed
Develop strategy and schedule ______________ ____________ ______________
Design posters ______________ ____________ ______________
Write and distribute press releases ______________ ____________ ______________
Write and submit newspaper ads ______________ ____________ ______________
Write and submit radio/TV ads ______________ ____________ ______________
Catering Committee: Completion date Assigned to Date completed
Set menu ______________ ____________ ______________
Choose caterer ______________ ____________ ______________
Production Committee: Completion date Assigned to Date completed
Arrange for equipment ______________ ____________ ______________
Arrange for transportation ______________ ____________ ______________
Arrange for lodging ______________ ____________ ______________
Arrange for meals ______________ ____________ ______________

You are not your resume, you are your work. | Seth Godin