HTML Preview Business Sponsorship Application page number 1.

Please return completed form to CVC by email at or in person/by mail to
105 Notch Road, Bolton, CT 06043. Please call 860-645-1454 with questions or for more information.
CVC reserves the right to edit content to be in compliance with station and state public access television rules.
All sponsors are welcome to
provide us with a stack of
business cards to be on
display at our office for
volunteers and visitors to our
Business Sponsorship
1. Your contact information
Email: Phone:
2. Business information
Business name:
Business address:
Business phone: Website:
Business description or slogan (12 words or less):
Does your business have a logo you would like to use? (Email Hi-Res graphics to
3. Select a 1-year sponsorship level (Visit for examples of slides and video spots)
___ $500 - VHS Level $200 Limited Time Offer
20 second static slide played during televised directory
Company name listed on CVC website sponsors page
___ $700 - DVD Level $400 Limited Time Offer
20 second static slide with voiceover played during televised directory
Company logo displayed on CVC website sponsors page
Company name listed in monthly newsletter
___ $950 - Blu-Ray Level $600 Limited Time Offer
15 to 30 second video spot with voiceover played during televised directory
Company logo listed on CVC website sponsors page
Company logo included in monthly newsletter
Gold star with your company name added to our “Wall of Thanks” at the CVC office
___ $2,500 - Film Level
A 30 minute show will be created and will air on CVC Public
Show will be based around what your business does
You own the final product and can do what you want with it (website, YouTube, etc.)
Company logo listed on CVC website sponsors page
Gold star with your company name added to our “Wall of Thanks” at the CVC office
4. Payment method
___ Check enclosed
Signature: Date:

Beware of any enterprise requiring new clothes. | Henry Thoreau