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Sample Cover Letter Law (Clerkships)
21 Lister Lane
Springvale, VIC 3171
0431 234 999
24 July 2015
Ms Antonia Wilder
Graduate Recruitment Manager
Lawyers Plus
424 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Dear Ms Wilder
Re: Application for Seasonal Clerkship 2015/6
Please accept my application for a seasonal clerkship position at Lawyers Plus for any of your clerkship periods in Summer
2015/6 or Winter 2016, as advertised on your website and in the Monash University LSS Careers Guide. I am in my fourth
year of combined Commerce (Banking and Finance) and Law degrees at Monash University and have a strong interest in
Corporate Law an interest which is substantiated by strong marks borne out by my record, including of 80% in Property
Law and 74% in Insurance Law.
I have chosen to apply to Lawyers Plus as I am enthused by your Values statement and the subject of many of your higher
profile cases attracted my strong attention. That is, I learnt more of Lawyers Plus earlier this year when following your
effective involvement in the Quarell v Healy LTD (2011) case in the Supreme Court of Victoria, as this case involved
Securities Law which is a significant interest of mine and in which unit I excelled by achieving a 78% mark.
I believe that I have been able to develop professional skills during my voluntary and casual work that are both relevant
and transferable to legal practice and which meet the key requirements of your firm. Some aspects of my experience are:
Initiative, attention to detail and team work capabilities as shown by organising a R U OK Day Basketball Match last
year which raised $10,000,
Work at the Springvale Community Legal Centre for the last three years which honed my legal knowledge, attention to
detail and ability to support my decisions.
Two years of part-time work as an Office Assistant working with clients’ production orders which increased my ability
to deal with people from a wide range of circumstances in a professional manner.
Thank you for your time and consideration, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my application and prospects
further with you, I can be contacted on 0431 234 999
Yours sincerely,
Jenny Courthouse
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A consultant is someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells you the time. | Unknown