HTML Preview Training Course Action Plan page number 1.

Course Title:
DIRECTIONS: In the 1st column, list the actions you plan to take in applying what you have learned
from a course. In the 2nd column, indicate how you will measure your successes. The more specific
your objectives and measures, the more likely you are to fulfill them.
As a result of what I learned from this
course, I am going to . . .
I will know I am succeeding with this objective
when . . .
Next Week
Within one month
Within three months
90-DAY FOLLOW UP: After ninety days, assess your progress.
1. How well did you accomplish your objectives?
2. What in your work environment supported you in achieving your goals?
3. What in your work environment blocked you from achieving your goals?
4. What ongoing goal(s) will you now strive to achieve?
Options for how to use copies of your Course Action Plan:
Original: Your copy to check your own progress.
1st copy: Your 90-day progress reminder. Put this copy in your calendar, 90 days from now.
2nd copy: If you choose, give this copy to your supervisor, mentor, or friend.

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda