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GL Account # Account Description Budget Actual Budget BudgetActual
Yearly Budget Planning Report
2011 2012 2012 20132011
Fiscal Year: 2013
11-01-01-4000 GENERAL-PARISH
11-01-01-4111 Contr-Offering-Reg-Week 1 ( 30,000.00) ( 36,507.69) ( 36,507.69) ( 43,095.85) ( 43,095.85)
11-01-01-4112 Contr-Offering-Reg-Week 2 ( 30,000.00) ( 33,288.55) ( 33,288.55) ( 35,134.55) ( 37,775.05)
11-01-01-4113 Contr-Offering-Reg-Week 3 ( 30,000.00) ( 34,413.77) ( 34,413.77) ( 36,983.23) ( 36,983.23)
11-01-01-4114 Contr-Offering-Reg-Week 4 ( 30,000.00) ( 31,382.41) ( 31,382.41) ( 37,070.79) ( 37,070.79)
11-01-01-4115 Contr-Offering-Reg-Week 5 ( 15,000.00) ( 11,385.52) ( 11,385.52) ( 10,518.03) ( 10,518.03)
11-01-01-4119 LA SALETTE MISSION COLLECTION ( 1,503.60) ( 664.32) ( 664.32) 0.00
11-01-01-4121 Contr-Offering-Other-Holy Days ( 2,000.00) ( 5,505.76) ( 5,505.76) ( 1,796.25) ( 1,796.25)
11-01-01-4129 CONTR-OFFERING-OTHER ( 500.00) ( 352.00) ( 352.00) 0.00
11-01-01-4191 Special Donations-Other-Unrestricted ( 2,000.00) 0.00 0.00 ( 250.00) ( 250.00)
11-01-01-4193 FRYDEK KC DONATION-CEMETERY… ( 6,000.00) ( 40.00) ( 40.00) 0.00
11-01-01-4195 SPECIAL DONATIONS-OTHER-PERM… ( 500.00) 0.00 0.00 ( 50.00) ( 50.00)
11-01-01-4431 Gifts-Non Cash-Unrestricted ( 500.00) ( 1,000.00) ( 1,000.00) 0.00
11-01-01-4441 GIFTS-MEMORIAL… ( 500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00
11-01-01-4461 Bequest-Cash-Unrestricted 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 500.00) ( 500.00)
11-01-01-4531 MFR-Bazaar-General-Unrestricted ( 70,000.00) ( 69,151.23) ( 70,000.00) ( 143,258.95)
11-01-01-6811 Investments-Int-Inc-DS&L-Unrestricted ( 130.00) 0.00 0.00 ( 5.41)
11-01-01-6982 REIMBURSEMENTS-GENERAL ( 100.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00
11-01-01-6991 MONEY TRANSFER FROM ONE… 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 3,000.00) ( 3,000.00)
Sub Total ( 218,733.60) ( 223,691.25) ( 224,540.02) ( 311,663.06) ( 171,039.20)
11-01-01-7000 GENERAL-PARISH
11-01-01-8041 ADVENT/LENT MISSION… 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00
11-01-01-8099 Professional Services-Other 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 150.33 150.33
11-01-01-8112 Supplies-Collection Envelopes 1,000.00 2,155.81 2,200.00 1,056.14 1,056.14
11-01-01-8194 MATERIALS-QUINCEANERA, ETC. 100.00 148.45 0.00 238.44 238.44
11-01-01-8199 Materials-Other 200.00 0.00 0.00 75.55 75.55
11-01-01-8201 Telephone-Local 2,200.00 0.00 0.00 397.83 397.83
11-01-01-8611 0.00 0.00 0.00 157.50 157.50
11-01-01-9301 Support-Diocese-Cathedraticum 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,842.10 6,842.10
11-01-01-9391 DSF TO ARCHDIOCESE 14,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00
11-01-01-9411 Insufficient Funds Check 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
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01/22/2013 13:13:55

There is no security on the earth, there is only opportunity. | General Douglas MacArthur