HTML Preview Sample Budget Report page number 1.

BSB Exchange Budget report
Name, Surname Phone number e-mail
Hosting date
Category Budget item Price Amount Sum
BSB Excange fund Co-financing
1. Accommodation
1.1 Hostel 1 0
1.2 Hostel 2 0
1.3 .... 0
Total 0
2. Meals
2.1 Breakfast 0
2.2 Lunch 0
2.3 Dinner 0
2.4 Coffee break 0
2.5 ... 0
Total 0
3. Transport
3.1 Public transport 0
3.2 Local transport 0
3.3 .... 0
Total 0
4. Activity costs
4.1 Entrance tickets 0
4.2 ... 0
Total 0
5.Other costs
5.1 Gifts 0
5.2 ... 0
Total 0
TOTAL 0 0 0
Category Budget Percentage
1. Accommodation #DIV/0!
2. Meals #DIV/0!
3. Transport #DIV/0!
4. Activity costs #DIV/0!
5. Other costs #DIV/0!
yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy/mm/dd
Date Leader's signature
Please note:
BSB Exchange Report has 2 sections: Report form (4th appendix) and Budget report (this)
Budget report (5th appendix) is filled and submitted separately
Each partner group submits Budget report for money received for hosting. Please show the funding source for all costs either from BSB Exchange fund
or from co-financing
Show your final expenditures in EUR
You can modify, add or delete item as you need
There is not allowed budget item like „other costs”

A consultant is someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells you the time. | Unknown