10.1 The testing process
Frame 10.4 Software test report (STR) – template
1 Test identification, site, schedule and participation
1.1 The tested software identification (name, version and revision)
1.2 The documents providing the basis for the tests (name and version for
each document)
1.3 Test site
1.4 Initiation and concluding times for each testing session
1.5 Test team members
1.6 Other participants
1.7 Hours invested in performing the tests
2 Test environment
2.1 Hardware and firmware configurations
2.2 Preparations and training prior to testing
3 Test results
3.1 Test identification
3.2 Test case results (for each test case individually)
3.2.1 Test case identification
3.2.2 Tester identification
3.2.3 Results: OK / failed
3.2.4 If failed: detailed description of the results/problems
4 Summary tables for total number of errors, their distribution and types
4.1 Summary of current tests
4.2 Comparison with previous results (for regression test summaries)
5 Special events and testers’ proposals
5.1 Special events and unpredicted responses of the software during testing
5.2 Problems encountered during testing
5.3 Proposals for changes in the test environment, including test
5.4 Proposals for changes or corrections in test procedures and test case files
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