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Sample Interview Invitation Letter
January 22, 2012
Rafael J. Hernández
123 Any Street
Anywhere City, Peru
Dear Brother Hernández:
Recording the experiences of mission presidents who have served in Peru is an important part of docu-
menting the history of the Church in Peru. As the Peru Church history adviser, I am interviewing indi-
viduals who have had this significant experience. This project has been endorsed by the Area Presidency.
Interviews will be submitted to the Church History Department in Salt Lake City for preservation. I want to
include you in this project.
An interview lasts approximately one to two hours. We can meet at your home or at the La Molina meet-
inghouse. You may want to prepare by making a few notes about your experiences as a mission president.
Also, if you have records or photographs related to your experiences, you may want to bring them, as they
may help you remember specific information.
I would be happy to discuss this project with you in greater detail. If you are willing to participate, please
contact me at 123-456-7890 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Marcus K. Harris
Peru Church History Adviser

Victory goes to the player who makes the next–to–last mistake. | Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower