Letter to Authorize Travel with a Minor
To whom it may concern: Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
From the dates of ______________(trip start date DD/MM/YYYY) to __________(trip end date
DD/MM/YYYY), our son/daughter , _____________________________, DOB ______________ has our
permission to travel with _______(Parent or Guardian) passport #___________ to Mexico.
___________(Parent or Guardian) has authorization to travel into Mexico and back in to the United
States with our son, _______________________, during the above noted dates.
___________________________________(traveling parent or guardian)
___________________________________ Father’s Signature/Authorization _______________Date
___________________________________ Mother’s Signature/Authorization _______________Date
(Guardians -BOTH parents signatures required under notary if minor traveling without a parent)
(If one parent is traveling with child, only other parent needs to sign under notary)
___________________________________ Notary (witness of Signature/Authorization)