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Thank you letters
Thank you letters are an important part of the job search
process. Unfortunately, according to, only
about 5 percent of those looking for jobs actually send thank-
you letters. A guaranteed way to distinguish yourself from
the competition is by sending this important document.
Key Points about Thank You Notes:
Send an individual thank you note to each person you spoke with at the interview
(it is always a good idea to gather business cards at the close of an interview so
you have the correct spelling of names and titles)
Notes should be mailed within 24 hours of the interview
Keep simple and concise.
Be sure to PROOFREAD. Names and titles should be spelled accurately.
Your note should not only thank them for their time, but also mention your
interest in the position. It is also a good idea to note one or two specific items
that you discussed which are relevant to the position.
Types of Thank You Notes:
Studies show that it does not matter if your thank you note is a typed business note or a
handwritten card. If you choose to do a handwritten note, use professional looking
thank you cards and legible handwriting.
Career experts are not in complete agreement about e-mailed thank you notes. If you
know that the organization is making a quick hiring decision, it may actually be
beneficial to use email since it is more expedient. However, if you decide to e-mail a
thank you message, it is always a good idea to follow up with a hard-copy version.
Please see below for some samples of thank you letters.

I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages. | Robert Bosch