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Thank you for considering Aordable Snow Removal as your snow removal service for the
upcoming winter season. This contract is for the purpose of residential snow removal.
Please ll in all blanks or make corrections
Homeowner Name: ___________________________
Local Address: ___________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________
Home Phone: ___________________________
Cell Phone: ___________________________
Local Phone: ___________________________
Tenant Contact: ___________________________
Tenant Phone: ___________________________
Email Address: ___________________________
Please contact me regarding:
Snow Shoveling
Window Cleaning
1. The area to be cleared will be the paved residential driveway from the street to a safe distance from any structures/obstacles.
2. Driveways will be cleared once per 24-hour period, when driveway snow depths reach approximately 3 inches. Plowing times
are dependant on snow accumulations and may vary from day to day. Snow is plowed to, and stored at, on-site locations.
3. Though we accept responsibility for damages caused by driver error, Aordable Snow Removal is not responsible for
damages to unseen or unmarked objects, or driveways which are unable to withstand normal snow removal operations.
Driveways with less that three inches of snow and/or two inches of asphalt, or whose bases are water saturated or poorly
compacted, are examples.
4. Owners, tenants, guests or any other present party will not hold Aordable Snow Removal responsible for any accidents
which occur on, or around, the driveway before, during or after snow removal which do not directly involve our equipment.
5. Owners, tenants, guests, etc. agree not to place any obstacles in, or along side of, the driveway. If obstacles are present,
Aordable Snow Removal will not plow that portion of the driveway. Owners, tenants, etc. should snow stake any altered
portions of the driveway, which could become invisible to equipment operators during snowy conditions or nighttime hours.
Should snow removal equipment become disabled due to debris left in the residences driveway, the contracting party signing
below will be invoiced at $125.00 per hour equipment rate for the time that repairs must be conducted to bring the equipment
back into service. The total sum billed to the home owner is not to exceed cost of repairs incurred by the incident.
6. If, for any reason, the contracting party wishes to cancel this agreement, Aordable Snow Removal will charge all previously
rendered work at $100.00 per plow (not to exceed the amount of the contract), refunding the unused balance of the snow
removal fee.
I have read and accept conditions #1-6 above: ________________________________ Date: _________
Contact Info Other Services
Contact Info Other Services
P.O. Box 13408, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 | 530.545.8646 | [email protected]om
Please return one signed contract to Aordable Snow
Removal and keep one for your records. Write your street
address on all checks. Snow Removal contracts must be paid
in full by December 1st or services will be postponed.
ANNUAL RATE: _____________________________
REMOVAL COVERED: _____________________________

You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong. | Warren Buffett