HTML Preview Middle School Band Progress Report page number 1.

Littlefield Middle School Band Progress Report
Student: _____________________________________________
Grade: _______ Instrument: ________________________________________
Date: ______________________________
The student’s progress in band has been …
____ Excellent ____ Good ____ Improving ____ Fair ____ Poor
Areas in which the student has excelled:
____ Note names ____ Tone/Embouchure (Grip) ____ Rhythm
____ Fingers/Stickings ____ Tonguing (Stroke) ____ Musicality
____ Verbal/Written Assignments ____ Bringing materials to class ____ Creativity
____ Attitude ____ Leadership ____ Behavior
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
Areas in which student couple improve:
____ Note names ____ Tone/Embouchure (Grip) ____ Rhythm
____ Fingers/Stickings ____ Tonguing (Stroke) ____ Musicality
____ Verbal/Written Assignments ____ Bringing materials to class ____ Creativity
____ Attitude ____ Leadership ____ Behavior
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
Instrument Condition: ____ Satisfactory ____ Will work better with better care
____ Unsatisfactory, because _________________________________________
Overall observations and recommendations to parent/guardian and student:
____ Student is doing well and should continue current practice and class habits.
____ Student needs to establish a more productive practice routine.
____ Student is showing effort below level of ability.
____ Student is ready to pursue more in depth instruction with a private teacher.
____ Student might be better suited for another instrument.
____ Please call to schedule a conference.
__________________________ ________________________ (910) 671-6065
Director of Bands Date School Phone

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. | Dwight Eisenhower