HTML Preview Social Club Agenda page number 1.

Missouri 4-H
University of Missouri
4-H Center for Youth Development
To have a productive and successful meeting the following format should be used by each 4-H club.
The club leader and club president should meet prior to the meeting to outline the agenda. The
president should know what is to take place. A detailed agenda should be written and followed by the
president. Club meetings should be held monthly on the same date, time and location. A club
meeting, to be effective, will last approximately 1 1/2 hours.
BUSINESS (15-20 MINUTES) ______________________________________________________
Call to order Treasurer's Report Unfinished Business
Opening ceremonies Correspondence New Business
Roll Call Committee Reports Announcements
Minutes of last mtg. Project Reports
PROGRAM (30-45 MINUTES) ______________________________________________________
Club Activity Illustrated Talks Films
Demonstrations Speakers Other Educational Activity
RECREATION (15 MINUTES) ______________________________________________________
Social Activities Music Games
Entertainment Parties Other Fun Activity

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. | David Brinkley