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Texas State University System
Finance and Audit
Alan Tinsley, Chair
David Montagne
Bill Scott
Finance and Audit
4. A.
Finance and Audit Agenda
4. B.
LU: Authorization to Set Board Rates for FY 18
4. C. LU: Authorization to Set Room Rates for FY 18
4. D. SHSU: Authorization to Set Board Rates for FY 18
4. E. SHSU: Authorization to Set Room Rates for FY 18
4. F. SRSU: Authorization to Set Board Rates for FY 18
4. G. SRSU: Authorization to Set Room Rates for FY 18
4. H. TXST: Authorization to Set Board Rates for FY 18
4. I. TXST: Authorization to Set Room Rates for FY 18
4. J. TSUS: Educator Preparation Program Fee
4. K. TSUS: Twenty-Second Supplemental Resolution to the Master Resolution
Establishing the TSUS Revenue Financing System
4. L. TSUS: Delegation of Authority to Chancellor to Bind System-wide Property
Insurance Coverage
4. M. TSUS: TSUS Contract Management Handbook
4. N. Finance and Audit CONSENT Agenda
4. O. TXST: CONSENT: Create Environmental Education Professorship Quasi-
Endowment in The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment
4. P. TXST: CONSENT: Create the Alan Dreeben Quasi-Endowed Graduate
4. Q. TXST: CONSENT: Create the Lamar and Marilyn Johanson Graduate Quasi-
Endowment in Biology
4. R. TXST: CONSENT: Create the Texas State University System Foundation
Graduate Quasi-Endowment in Liberal Arts
4. S. TSUS: CONSENT: Statement of Budgeted Fund Balances
4. T. TSUS: CONSENT: Operating Budget Adjustments
4. U. TSUS: CONSENT: Status of Implementation of Audit Recommendations

Beware of any enterprise requiring new clothes. | Henry Thoreau