Website re-design proposal
Thank you for the opportunity to submit a proposal for the re-design of your website.
You are looking for a re-design in keeping with your company’s existing corporate brand but adapted to
look more modern and with a layout that is responsive to smartphones and tablets.
We will create a custom website based on your branding, functionality requirements and best practices.
You will be able to create, edit and delete the content of your new site through an intuitive “back end” plus
you will be able to update your company news and comment on latest industry stories through a blog.
Your new website will optimized for search engines whilst still retaining links and authority of the old site.
The site will be, as much as is possible, future proof, written in validated HTML5 mark-up and respond to
whatever device it’s being viewed on.
We can mock-up the design of your home page first in a graphics program. This can be amended (up to 2
times) until you’re happy with it. If further revisions are deemed necessary this will be done at our hourly
rate of $XX. (This is rarely necessary, but this will be discussed fully before any hourly fees are incurred).
We expect this stage to take two weeks.
We will create a copy “dev” site to test the new site that will be used as the main site once it is passed. We
expect this stage to take 3 weeks.
Note: Co-operation of the host is critical to this part of the project.