Human Resource Office Policy
Staff Succession Planning
Rev. 1/24/2007
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Approved By: Cabinet
Effective Date: March 29, 2007
Category: Human Resources
Contact: Human Resources
(585) 245-5616
Succession planning is an effort designed to ensure the continued effective performance of the College by making
provisions for the development and replacement of key positions and work activities over time (Rothwell, 1994).
The United States Workforce demographics identify a critical need for organizations to develop and monitor on-
going succession planning processes. Within the next few years, approximately 49 percent of the United States
Workforce will be eligible for retirement. Many companies and government agencies are facing a workforce with 30
to 40 percent of its employees eligible for retirement (Madison, HR Now, Fall 2006) and the University currently has
nearly 50 percent of its faculty eligible for retirement.
Succession planning is an on-going responsibility of any organization. Ultimate accountability for implementation
and evaluation of the plan resides with divisional vice presidents. The plan provides a systematic process that
identifies internal capabilities, gaps in organizational core competencies, and strategies for meeting future staffing
It is the College’s policy that a succession plan will exist for each department within the College for positions in non-
teaching professional titles and positions in the classified staff. Workforce and succession planning is a component
of the strategic planning process and must incorporate and balance elements consistent with the College’s
Affirmative Action Plan, Staffing Plan process, and resource allocation strategies. The succession planning process
will indicate vulnerability projections for critical positions and for positions that require a highly specialized level of
technical knowledge and skill. The goal of the plan is to develop individuals in the organization in competencies
and skills necessary to meet the future needs of the organization. Professional Development Plans will be created
to help guide individuals to advance to higher levels of responsibility.
Individuals appointed to professional positions are expected continually to add value to the organization by
preparing to assume increased responsibilities in scope and complexity. It is the College’s commitment to help
foster an employee’s development for leadership roles. It is therefore critical that employees have individual
professional development plans that focus on developing skills and knowledge areas required for future leadership
positions. Retention of employees for permanent appointment should consider their aptitude for and demonstration
of continued growth, leadership capability, and professional ability.
Succession plans do not entitle positions, promotions, or transfers to employees. Employees will need to compete
for vacant positions participating in the recruitment process as outlined in the College Policies and Procedures and
the Affirmative Action Plan. Selection and retention of staff needs to consider strongly growth potential, leadership
ability, and mastery of specialization.