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Middle States Steering Committee Meeting Follow-Up Notes
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 4:15pm
President’s Office Conference Room
The liaisons discussed their individual working group meetings and stated the
-Merce Pujol of Working Group #1 said Cynthia and Yvette were very
prepared and on time. They had a brainstorming activity and have already come up
with possible questions. They met in room B-505.
-Juan Preciado of Working Group #5 said that Lew was extremely ready with
documents and information. Juan helped to look up elements in the booklets, but
otherwise Lew was fine on his own and without direction. They came up with 2 or 3
questions that were the most pressing matters for the college. They met in A-336.
-Nat Cruz- They went over protocol and instructions. Reviewed sample
questions and need to go through the literature that was made available to the
members of the working group. Started to look at items that need to be addressed and
researched in respect to the college. Attendance was not as strong as he expected and
believes members might need to be tracked down. Sample questions are in a
developing stage. Met in the library at 3:30 with Elisabeth Tappeiner but not
Mercedes Moscat because she is home recovering from knee surgery.
-Alice Cunningham- met twice before this meeting with Chair and Co-Chair.
Came up with set of draft questions. Was met with some resistance by the chair and
co-chair, Linda Alexander Wallace and Sandy Figueroa. Was told to not come to any
more meetings. Main issue was very poor attendance. She was advised that her
presence at the meetings was not necessary.
-VP Zoe- Group #6 with the 3 standards.14/16 were present. They reviewed
Burlington Community College’s Study. Roland Velez and Nellie Justicia came to
meeting with prepared questions, but most people didn’t read the materials that were
outlined for them so it was hard to maintain a discussion. They met in the big conference
room in OAA B-465. Main issue was that people didn’t understand/read the standards so
it was hard to explain the questions when everyone was unprepared. **Drew Hubner was
replaced with Lorraine Altman**
-Professors Ruiz and Diaz- met in Allied Health room A-307. Mostly everybody
attended. Christine was very well prepared because she met a few times with Richard
beforehand to ask questions in regards to the literature. Deirdre Aherne was very
organized with docmunets and ready for the meeting. However some people were
unprepared. Christine has already prepared a few questions but didn’t want to give the
members her own because she didn’t want to influence everyone elses ideas. When

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda