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Professor & Head
P.G.Department of Business Management
Fakir Mohan University
Balsore-756019, Orissa
Mobile: 91-9437323818
Name : Dr. Devi Prasad Misra
Designation : Professor and Head
Teaching & Research Experience : 19 + 5 years
Work Experience
1990-1999 : Dept. of Commerce, Berhampur University Lecturer
1999-2005 : Dept. of Business Administration, Berhampur University
2005- Continuing : Dept. of Business Management, F.M. University
Professor & Head
Educational Qualifications : M.Com. M.Phil., Ph.D.
Ph.D. Topic : “Prediction of Industrial Sickness: A Study on
the Corporate Sector of India” awarded in
Ph.D. Scholars Awarded
1. Prediction of Corporate Sickness in India: A Multivariate Study (Awarded in
2. Profitability Analysis of Chemical Industry in India (Awarded in 2000).
3. A Critical Study on the Working of the Orissa State Warehousing Corporation
(Awarded in 2003).
4. Working Capital Management: A Study on the Paper Companies in India
(Awarded in 2004).
5. Management and Monitoring of Corporate Health: An Empirical Study
(Awarded in 2004).
6. Determinants of Profitability: A Study on Aluminum Companies in India
(Awarded in 2005).

You are not your resume, you are your work. | Seth Godin