HTML Preview Budget Calendar Sample page number 1.

Sample Budget Calendar
First Week in
Meet with Budget Staff, review current year spending, review budget
preparation ordinance for necessary changes (if city has adopted a budget
preparation ordinance), and finalize budget calendar.
Second Week in
Distribute Capital Projects/Equipment Forms to Departments.
Last Week in
Mayor/Executive Authority and Finance Staff meet with City
Council/Commission to review progress of current year budget and discuss
issues and priorities for upcoming budget.
Second Week in
CIP Requests submitted by Departments.
First Week in March Department Objectives (if required) are submitted to Budgeting Staff.
Second Week in
Budget worksheets are prepared and distributed to each Department.
Worksheets are based on eight months of actual expenses. General increases
(if any) are allocated by line item or on a Departmental basis.
Last Week in March Proposed budgets are submitted from each Department to Finance Staff.
First Week in April Initial budget projections are made by Finance Staff and meetings held with
Mayor/Administrator/City Manager.
Last Two Weeks in
Revenue projections are made by Finance Staff and expenditure proposals
finalized. Budget issues and choices are prepared for Council/Commission
work sessions.
of May Mayor/City Manager’s Budget Message and proposal submitted to
Second and Third
Week in May
Council/Commission meets in work session(s) to review budget proposal and
to discuss key issues and finalize budgetary decisions.
Second Week in
Advertise for Budget Hearing and proposed use of Municipal Road Aid and
LGEA Funds
First Week in June Budget Hearing and proposed use of LGEA and Municipal Road Aid Funds.
First Reading of proposed Budget Ordinance.
Third Week In June Second Reading and Adoption of Budget for next Fiscal Year.
July 1st Beginning of new Fiscal Year.
First Week in July Publish Budget Ordinance and Post at Local Library.
Refer to KRS 91A.030 for all statutory budget requirements.

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