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9800 Fredericksburg Road
San Antonio, Texas 78288
I. General
ntends to effectively manage its project costs in order to support USAA's goals of remaining
competitive in the marketplace and safeguarding the assets of its members. Since business travel
represents one of USAA's most manageable operating costs, these expenses need to be effectively
controlled. USAA expects that its Suppliers, Consultants and/or Contractors will use reasonable
efforts to obtain economical travel and living arrangements while conducting USAA business. While
guidelines for reasonable reimbursable expenses have been identified, it is impossible to anticipate
every situation that may be encountered. For this reason, all unusual or unique expenses must be
reviewed and approved by USAA prior to incurring the expense.
Travel and accommodation suppliers, who have an arrangement with your organization and offer
scounts, should be used for airline, hotel and car rental.
II. Transportation
A. Travel & Airfare
Travel arrangements should be made in the most economical and appropriate manner.
Suppliers should maximize the opportunity for discounts by making travel arrangements
early (three weeks in advance is recommended). Class upgrades due to available space are
not permitted. Suppliers should use every opportunity to use their corporate discounts.
Suppliers cannot use USAA Travel to book their travel; exceptions require Executive
Management Group approval.
USAA expects that its Suppliers will secure the most reasonable and economical airfares
able at the time of booking. Also, USAA expects the Supplier to take connecting flights
to destination, pick a special negotiated airfare/air carrier whenever available, use restricted
and special condition fares, such as non-refundable tickets wherever practical, and select
discounted coach class fares in lieu of upgradeable full fare coach fares. Suppliers will
travel Coach Class. In no case will USAA reimburse the Supplier for first-class or business-
class travel, or for any upgrades on air travel.
If Supplier desires to utilize a private vehicle traveling from distances greater than a 100
radius of USAA, USAA will reimburse Supplier mileage at the most current IRS rate, for
travel to and from home base. USAA will not reimburse for mileage greater than the airfare
expense for the same travel distance.
USAA monitors published airfares on a routine basis, and expects that reimbursable air
avel will be consistent with published coach class advance purchase rates (7-day, 14-day,
and 21-day as appropriate). When USAA requires the Supplier to travel with less than
seven (7) days notice, airfares will be consistent with published coach class rates.
For longer-term assignments (those exceeding one month duration), the Supplier should
nsider securing a one-way ticket for the initial trip to USAA and the final trip home, and

The only way around is through. | Robert Frost