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12345 Old Oak Lane | Seminole, WA 12345 | [email protected]m | (877) 875-7706
(Name of Hiring Manager, Title)
(Name of Company)
(City, State Zip)
Dear (Mr. or Ms.)(Last Name):
As an expert in business development and enterprise software sales, I have had the opportunity to plan,
develop, accomplish, and showcase major initiatives that drove industry change with millions of dollars
in recurring revenue. I led teams that supported individuals, managers, executives, the organization as a
whole—and most importantly the customers, whose service experiences were immeasurably improved
through implementation of these forward-thinking ideas. I am looking for an organization in which I can
apply these skills and collaborate with likeminded individuals to continue this trend of success.
Allow me to highlight my strengths:
9 Tremendous ability to revitalize business performance through assessment and implementation of
strategic process improvements.
9 Natural entrepreneurial talent, seeking out solutions where none seemed possible while exploring
new opportunities for growth.
9 Excels at targeting opportunities for revenue enhancement through cost reduction initiatives and
profit optimization.
I believe my qualifications would make me an outstanding asset to your organization. My résumé
provides further details on my background and accomplishments. Realizing that this data cannot
adequately convey my personal strengths, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you.
Suzie Q. Sample
Enclosure: Résumé

Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable. | Coco Chanel