Rasa Didjurgyte, 2011
Master of Sustainable Development, Uppsala University
As a part of my Master studies in Sustainable Development I did a 16-week internship (18 July – 7
November, 2011) at the Environment Protection Agency that was established in 2003 as an institution
subordinate to the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Currently there are four
departments at the Agency (Environment Protection State Control Department, Marine Research
Department, Environmental Status Assessment Department and Environmental Research Department)
and each one of them comprises of several divisions. I was doing my internship at the Waste and
Polluted Territories Management Control Division within the Environment Prote ction State Control
Department. My main duty was to assist in implementing the goals of the Division, which included
various tasks depending on the daily activities of my colleagues and the head of the Division. However,
the foremost area I specialized in was transboundary waste shipment.
I started my internship by reading a bunch of national and international legislation, since it lays
foundation for the work that my colleagues and I do. The most important is the Regulation (EC) No
1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste, as well as its
amendments, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes
and their Disposal and several national laws that set rules and procedures for waste shipment and
related documentation.
Most of my daily tasks could be divided into the following categories:
Notifications for transboundary waste shipment. Generally it involves receiving required
documentation (notification and movement forms, route, a list of carriers, contract between the
notifier and the consignee and financial guarantee, if necessary), checking whether it complies
with specific requirements, forwarding it to other competent authorities concerned and making
the decision to either grant consent to waste shipment or not. Sometimes, even though all
documents seem to be fine, we still cannot approve the intention to ship waste, for example if
waste importer does not have the required technical capacity or necessary facilities to dispose