Twinning project MK11/IB/EN/01/R
“Strengthening the administrative capacities on central and local level for transposition and
implementing new Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU”
This project is funded by the European Union
Agenda for Kick-off Event
Date: 10.February 2016
Venue: Hotel Stone Bridge, Kej Dimitar Vlahov 1, Skopje
10:00 – 10:45
Moderator, Ms. Besa Tateshi
RTA Counterpart
Welcome and opening speech
Minister of Environment and Physical Planning
Head of Delegation of the European Union
Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs
H.E. Mrs. Renate Kobler
Ambassador of Austria
H.E. Mr. Ramon Aboroa Carranza
Ambassador of Spain
Managing Director of the Environment Agency Austria
Presentation of the Twinning Project
Twinning project overview
Ms. Violeta Philippitsch
MS Project Leader, Environment Agency Austria
Contribution of the junior partner
Mr. Carlos Calzadilla Bouzón
MS Junior Project Leader, Galician Regional Ministry of Environment, Spatial
Planning and Infrastructures
Importance of the Project for the Administration of Environment
Mr. Nazim Aliti
BC Project Leader
Presentation of the methodology and activities in the project
Mr. Theodor Juroszek
Expectations and foreseen results of the BC
Ms. Besa Tateshi
RTA Counterpart