Letter Head / Name of Individual Broker
Brokerage Bill Format
Invoice No. :
Service Tax No. (If Applicable) :
Pan No. :
Date :
<Project Name>
<Project Address>
Sub: Brokerage Bill Installment No. _____________
Total Flat Value @ Rs._______/per sq
Total Consideration Amount
percentage (as applicable)
Total Consideration Amount
Amount Already Billed Before
Brokerage Amount Now Billing For
Total Brokerage Amount Now Billing For
Brokerage Amount Now Billing For
All Cheques are to be issued in favour of “ _____________________________________________________”
*** Total Balance Brokerage Amount remaining due as on (Invoice date) = {Total Brokerage Amount – (Amount
Already Billed Before + Brokerage Amount Now Billed For)}
(Name of Individual/Broker Firm or Company)
Authorized Signatory