HTML Preview Program Budget page number 1.

Fiscal Year ___________
FUNDING SOURCE: AB29 Funding General Fund Funding
(Name of Program)
(Phone Number) (Fax Number)
Name of individual submitting budget revision summary Date
Effective Date:
(AOC Use Only)
Specialty Court Revenue Received Original Budget
Supreme Court/AOC Revenue
Total Specialty Court Allocation
Expenditures Paid by the Program Original Budget
Professional Services
- Counseling
- Residential/Housing (Mental Health Courts Only)
- In-Patient Residential (28-day. Must have a contract with a provider.)
Drug Testing Supplies
Drug Testing Equipment
Drug Testing Confirmation
Electronic Monitoring
Salary & Benefits - Treatment (exclude city & county paid positions)
- Drug Court Coordinator
- Case Manager
- Testers
- Case Worker
Operating Expenses, office supplies, copying, etc. (Maximum 1,200 per year.)
Bus Passes and/or Taxi vouchers (Maximum 5,000 per year)
Incentives, gift certificate 5-15 value, tokens, books, cookies, cake, pizza, and haircuts
(Maximum 2,500 per year)
Housing with a case manager (Maximum 20,000 per year)
Housing (Motel, Apartment, etc.) (Maximum 10,000 per year)
Acquiring necessary capital goods, or using appropriate technology
Studying the management and operation of the program
Other (describe)
Total Expenditures
$ 0.00
$ 0.00

All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. | Aristotle