SLOHS College & Career Center
Scholarship Thank You Letters
You've searched long and hard to find the sources of your scholarship(s). You've received the
awards and now it's time to sit down and pen some intelligible thank you letters. You need to know
the nitty-gritty of who, what, where, when, and how, right? First, do NOT overlook this very important
component of the scholarship process. Without generous donors - schools, alumnae, corporations,
professionals, and philanthropists - you might not be able to afford to attend the school you are
enrolled in
Your scholarship thank you letters should be hard-copy, personal letter.
You may type it or write one on colorful personal stationery.
Do not use email.
Use a word processing program that allows you to use spelling and grammar correction tools. Do not be
hesitant to give it your own unique personality.
You should comment on the impact their generosity has had on your future and even a few short sentences
about what you expect to accomplish thanks in part to their gift.
Make sure to explicitly name the scholarship.
While this might seem like a lot of information to cover, you should focus on keeping it brief and focused, no
longer than a couple of paragraphs.
Do not forget to sign the letter with a handwritten signature.
And, yes, if there are more than one named donor; t is proper to send a thank you letter to each, or to the
organization as a whole. They are providing you with money; you can write a couple of thank you notes.
Please write your thank you note promptly. Your scholarship thank you letter is often shared at a
monthly meeting of the donor’s organization and is an example to this organization of the entire high
school student body. Writing thank you notes is an excellent job skill; if you have not learned it
previously, now is the time.