There’s never been a better time to upgrade your existing Toshiba telephone or Voicemail system and
take advantage of powerful Unified Communication capabilities.
Upgrade To IPedge or IPedge AppServer!*
nFor current Toshiba customers that want to start using Unified Communications and Toshiba’s powerful UCedge
nUpgrade and receive UCedge Client License FREE!!**
Upgrade To IPedge On-Premise Pure-IP Telephone System or IPedge AppServer Unified
Communication/Voicemail server and receive:
n10 FREE UCedge licenses when upgrading to IPedge EP or IPedge EP App Server
n20 FREE UCedge licenses when upgrading to IPedge EC or IPedge EC App Server
n30 FREE UCedge licenses when upgrading to IPedge EM or IPedge EM App Server.
Contact your Dealer for Details! Upgrade to IPedge Promotion offer runs through September 25, 2015.*
To qualify for the “Upgrade To IPedge Promotion” (“Promotion”), orders must be shipped by end of day September 25, 2015 to a Toshiba
Authorized Dealer. Additionally, this certificate must be completed and accompany the order when it is placed with Toshiba TSD.
Please list the model and serial number of system being upgraded.
nSystem, Make, Model: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
nSerial Number of Processor: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Buyer/Customer Signature
I, the authorized representative for the company listed below, certify that we have purchased a New Toshiba IPedge or IPedge AppServer.
Upon installation, we authorize and agree to the removal of the traded in equipment as identified above (or attached) by a Toshiba Authorized
Dealer and, as of the date of removal, hereby agree to the transfer of all rights, title and interest in the traded in equipment to Toshiba’s
Authorized Dealer. I certify that the equipment is owned free and clear by the company listed below, without any liens or encumbrances.
I agree that we are solely responsible for removing any and all data, including, but not limited to, voicemail, personal, financial, and
other confidential data, from the traded-in equipment (including any hard drives) before removal by the Toshiba Authorized Dealer. Under no
circumstances shall Toshiba and/or the Toshiba Authorized Dealer be liable for any data or media remaining on, removed from, or loss
from traded-in equipment. I understand that leased equipment is not eligible for this Promotion and that we have not included any leased
equipment for trade in purposes. I understand that any special discount we receive from our Authorized Toshiba TSD Dealer as a result
of the “Upgrade To IPedge Promotion” depends on the accuracy of the information provided, which I confirm by my signature below.
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions (below) for the Promotion.
Signature: ______________________________________________________________________Date:___________________________________
Name: ______________________________________________________ Title:______________________________________________________
Company Name: _____________________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________
Company Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Authorized Toshiba TSD Dealer Sales Contract Number: ______________________________________________________________________
* Upgrade to IPedge promotion runs through September 25, 2015. Review Terms and Conditions for full details.
** Promotion requires at least one year of additional SUS to be included with the system (2 years total minimum).