HTML Preview Business Quotation page number 1.

Product Quote Template Instructions
Any questions in regards to use of the forms and instructions, Supply Chain
Management Customer Service at 507-266-5551
Vendor Company Logo Here: Insert your company logo
Date: Insert date of quote
Quote #: Insert your Vendor quote number
Vendor Company Name (etc.): Insert your company information
To: Insert Customer information here
Salesperson: Insert sales rep name
Quote Expiration Date: Insert date quote expires
Shipping Terms: Do not override Shipping Terms unless prior authorization by Mayo Clinic or if
part of a construction project.
Payment Terms: Buyer desires to make payment to Supplier using Buyer's new e-Payables
program. The e-Payables is a card based platform used for transaction payments.
1. Supplier elects to participate in the e-Payables program at net thirty (30) days with no
discount offered to Buyer.
2. Supplier elects to participate in the e-Payables program, offering discounts of two
percent (2%), provided by Supplier, off the pricing set forth in the price list for
payments made within fifteen (15) days
3. Supplier does not have the ability or willingness to participate in the e-Payables
program, then payment terms will be as follows: Buyer will receive an additional four
percent (4%) off the pricing set forth in the price list if full payment is made to
Supplier within thirty (30) days following either delivery of Products to, or receipt of
the invoice, whichever date is later. In any event, full payment of undisputed sums
must be made within sixty (60) days following such delivery of products or receipt of
invoice, whichever is later.
Qty: Insert quantity quoted
Item #: Insert Vendor item number
Line Item Description: Insert description of product by line
Item List Price: Insert list price for product
Discount %: Insert percentage discount applied (to be applied to Item List Price in determining
Mayo Purchase Price)

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