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A Catholic Marriage Checklist
6 Months or more before your wedding:
Complete and Return Marriage Registration Form/ Register for Evenings for the Engaged
Obtain baptismal records from the parish of baptism for bride and/or groom
Meet with Steward for Community and Special Events to begin paperwork
Complete the FOCCUS premarital inventory
4 Months or more before your wedding:
Schedule meeting with Priest or Deacon to review the FOCCUS
3 Months or more before your wedding:
Meet with the Wedding Coordinators to discuss options for the wedding liturgy
Review Together for Life and select scripture readings and options
Contact Steward for Music Ministry to request a music tape and to start planning your music
2 Months or more before your wedding:
Finalize the details of the wedding liturgy
Be sure all documentation is completed and sent to St. Michael Parish
Turn in all forms to Steward for Community Events in the Parish Office (Baptismal certificates, Engaged
Encounter Certificate, Form 29.2)
Your civil license can be secured at the County Auditor’s office – valid for 60 days. You both must be
present to apply
If not using parish musicians, confirm that your musicians have contacted the Steward for Music Ministry
and all music has been approved – Must be approved at least one month prior to wedding day
1 Month or more before your wedding:
Prepare, review and print worship aid or program (if you plan to have one)
Discuss parish guidelines with florist, photographer and videographer
2 Weeks before your wedding:
Final meeting with Wedding Coordinators
Bring entire Marriage License package to this meeting with Wedding Coordinators
Send scripture readings and Prayers of the Faithful to Lectors
Fee payments are to be paid no later than two weeks prior to the wedding day
Review checklist of items you plan to bring to the church on the wedding day
1 Week before your wedding:
Remind everyone in the wedding party of the rehearsal day and time
Bring to the rehearsal:
The marriage license
Bring to the wedding:
The rings

Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked. | Warren Buffett