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Sample cover letter for a mechanical engineering summer internship
3718 Locust Walk, Suite 20
Philadelphia, PA 19104
January 20, 2015
Mr. David Jones, Recruiter (address letter to an individual if a name is available)
Consumer Products Company
123 Pennsylvania Avenue
Big City, PA 00000
Dear Mr. Jones:
I am writing to apply for the R&D Product Development Summer Intern position, found on the
University of Pennsylvania’s PennLink system. I am a junior pursuing a Bachelor of Science in
Engineering, and majoring in Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics at UPenn. With my
engineering coursework and project experience, my innovative mindset and affinity for problem
solving, and my history of successful team projects, I believe I am a strong candidate for this
As an undergraduate, I have balanced a rigorous course load and a number of extracurricular
activities that have allowed me to enhance my skills relevant to this role. Specific to
engineering, through my academic project work I have developed abilities in 3-D design and
modeling, an understanding of materials, and have practiced different manufacturing
technologies. For example, in my Machine Design and Manufacturing course, I along with two
teammates created mechanical drawings and designs in SolidWorks. We then modeled,
machined and assembled the parts of a working Stirling engine, meeting or exceeding all
requirements and deadlines. I have also developed the strong interpersonal and
communication skills required to succeed as the R&D Product Development intern; in addition
to academic team projects that require collaboration and strong writing and presentation skills,
I have been selected by my peers for a leadership role within Penn’s Formula SAE team this
year, and am an active member of our ASME chapter. Throughout all of my experiences, I have
used my dedication to efficient and creative problem solving and my ability to prioritize and
manage competing demands to positive ends. I am eager to apply my engineering knowledge
and skills at the Consumer Products Company.
I am very interested in interviewing for this opportunity and look forward to learning more
about your requirements. Attached, please find my resume for your consideration; it contains
not only a further description of my Stirling Engine project, but a more in-depth review of other
related projects and experiences that I would be glad to discuss with you. Please feel free to
contact me at (215) 000-0000 or by email at Thank you very much for
your consideration.
Sarah Student
Attachment (1)

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. | Napoleon Hill