HTML Preview Weekly Budget page number 1.

Preliminary 11-9-2016 Campus
Georgia Tech Budget Calendar
Fiscal Year 2018 Fixed dates set by Board of Regents shaded in yellow
Campus Unit Actions shaded in Green
When What Who
November 15, 2016 - Preliminary budget instructions to units
- Budget Office
- Exec Leadership Team (ELT)
1st week in December - Fee Committee completion of recommendations and submission to President
- Mandatory Student Fee
Advisory Committee
TBD - Tuition differentials (prof program rates) due from units
- Various Academic Units
- Budget Office
January 20, 2017 - Elective fee requests due from units
- Various Campus Units
- Budget Office
- Review of updated performance data and division strategic plans
- Preparation of preliminary proposals for expansion or reductions:
New program or program pxpansion proposals
Program reduction proposals at 1% and 3% levels
Enhanced revenue opportunities
February 3, 2017 - Submissions of Program Change Forms to ELT - expansion & reductions - Campus division heads
February 2017
- Planning meetings to discuss expansion and reduction proposals
- Individual ELT Members with
Respective Division Heads
- Distribution/confirmation of base budget figures (via “Form 1”)
- Preliminary Salary Plans available (BUD707) via IBS Original Budget System
(February versions of BUD707 provided upon request)
- Review of updated performance measures, revenue projections, and budget
- Review of campus unit preliminary proposals for increases and reductions and
determine priorities for program expansion and funding reallocations
- Prelimimary expansion and/or reduction targets to campus divisions
March 1, 2017
- Submission of Form 2 requests and backup documents to ELT to include items
tentatively approved by ELT members
- Campus Units
- Executive Leadership Team
TBD - Early to mid-March - Strategic planning and budget presentation meetings
- Deans/Other Division Heads
- Executive Leadership Team
Late March - Approval of Appropriations Bill (pending Governor's vetoes) - General Assembly
March 31, 2017
- Approvals of reductions and increases pending final BOR approvals
- Communication of preliminary allocations to units (pending receipt of Original
Budget information from BOR)
- Budget Office
1st Week in April 2017 - Form 1 revisions to campus units based on March BA - Budget Office
April 10, 2017
- OneBudget system open to campus
- Final salary plans available to campus units via OneBudget (Bud707)
- Budget Office
- Approval of: state allocations, tuition levels, fees
- Finalize elective fees (President approval and BOR review)
April 13, 2017 - Detailed Budget instructions and merit policy to campus units - Budget Office
Mid-April 2017 - Original Budget workshops offered for OneBudget users - Budget Office
Late April 2017 - Final budget approval/allocations to units for Original Budget - Office of the President
April 26, 2017 - Detailed Original Budget submissions due via oneBudget - Campus Units
May 9, 2017 - Final BOR approval of FY18 Original Budget - BOR
July thru Sept 2017 &
Mid-February, 2018
- Additional Fiscal 2018 allocations (or reductions) to units, per budget status
(following final fall and spring enrollment results)
- Exec Leadership Team
NOTE: See the next page for the schedule of budget/planning sessions with colleges and other divisions.
3 Working Days before
Strategic Planning Mtgs
- Submission of full presentations to Budget Office's assigned budget analyst for
strategic planning meetings with Executive Leadership Team
- Campus Units
April 11, 2017
- Board of Regents
(pending General Assembly
Appropriations Act approval)
1st Week in March 2017
- Budget Office & Campus Units
February through
early March 2017
- Executive Leadership Team
- Colleges and other Campus
January through February
GT Budget Office 11-9-2016 Campus

The only way around is through. | Robert Frost