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Sample Board Meeting Agenda see for more
Sample Board Meeting Agenda
Organization: ___________________________
Date: circulate the agenda at least 1-2 weeks prior to the meeting
Time: indicate projected end time as well as the start time
Location: indicate whether members can attend by conference call and either
the teleconference # and codes or whom to make arrangements
with if this option is being offered
Type of meeting: Regular board meeting Special meeting of the board
Annual meeting of the members Other ___________________
Vision & Mission: keep your Vision & Mission visible and “top of mind” by recording
these key statements on board agendas. Also, agenda items might
be raised for each Strategic Priority so the focus of the organization
doesn’t get lost in an ad hoc or whats urgent?approach to agenda
1. Welcome
2. Check-In and/or ReflectionCheck-in activities allow for intentionally
building relationships between board members by encouraging them to share
what is going on in their worlds beyond the board table. Reflection is for
focussing on the vision and mission by sharing success stories of how people
were impacted by the organization as a means of re-charging passion for the
purpose (this task may be assigned on a rotating basis).
3. Approval of Agenda – The draft agenda should be prepared by the chair,
in consultation with the senior staff person. The chair has the final say in
which items are put on the draft agenda. Then, the board as a whole
determines whether to approve the draft agenda as circulated in the
pre-meeting package.
4. Declaration of Potential Conflicts – Individual board members indicate
whether they will be excusing themselves from the discussion of particular
agenda items due to a possible or perceived conflict of interest. The
declaration of potential conflicts is a fiduciary duty of all board members.
5. Consent Agenda – Use one or two motions to deal expediently with
routine, non-controversial items.

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