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NCCSS Teacher of the Year Award, 2016
2016 Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award
The North Carolina Council for the Social Studies recognizes exemplary teaching in the
field of social studies. Teachers may be nominated by an individual; preferably a
principal, supervisor, or fellow teacher, or a group. Self-nominations are also accepted.
The Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award is presented at the NCCSS annual state
conference held each year.
NEW THIS YEAR! The winner of the 2016 Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award will
be presented an award check for $100 at the conference luncheon. In addition, the
winner is encouraged to share his/her expertise and experiences by presenting on a
session topic of his/her choice at the 2017 annual conference; if the winner chooses to
do so, the NCCSS will also waive the $100 conference fee in 2017.
The award is presented to a classroom social studies teacher who exceptionally:
Demonstrates a broad knowledge of subject matter, curriculum and
standards and uses this knowledge to develop and implement creative,
engaging, and effective instructional strategies.
Fosters a spirit of interest, inquiry, engagement and appreciation among
students regarding social studies.
Fosters the development of democratic beliefs and values, as well as the
citizenship skills needed for participation in the classroom, school, and
community (such as tolerance, respect, communication, etc.).
Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching social studies, including a caring
attitude, a love of learning, and a desire to make a difference in the lives of
young people.
Demonstrates professional involvement in activities such as workshops,
curriculum development, committees, and other associations.
Nominees must be classroom teachers teaching social studies and must be a
member of NCCSS at the time of the award.
Nominations must be submitted on the nomination form provided and must include:
1. A completed nomination form;
2. A letter of nomination by the nominator describing the
nominee’s exemplary teaching in the field of social studies;
3. The nominee must submit a resume and a brief statement (less
than 1 page) of his or her philosophy of teaching social studies;
4. The nominee must submit at least one letter of
recommendation from someone highly knowledgeable of the nominee’s
teaching ability (i.e., principal, supervisor, curriculum coordinator, fellow
teacher, student, parent, community partner, etc). Nominees are allowed up to
three letters of recommendation.
Nomination materials are reviewed by the NCCSS Awards
Selection Committee. Recipient will be notified in January 2016.
North Carolina Council for
the Social Studies
To serve the members of our
organization in providing
support to social studies
educators across this state,
by collaborating with other
professional groups to
enhance social studies
connections in North
Carolina, publicizing and
promoting the importance of
the social studies in the
curriculum, ensuring that all
North Carolina students
develop skills and
appreciations of social
studies from the global to
local perspective in order to
become productive citizens in
today’s changing world,
uplifting the study and
integration of social studies
within the curricula for all
students, and speaking on
behalf of social studies
Join NCCSS today!
To find out more about
membership please visit

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