HTML Preview Thin Section Loan Policy page number 1.

January 2015 Page 1 of 1
U.S. Geological Survey
Core Research Center
Box 25046, MS 975
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225
(303) 202-4851
1. Approval from a Core Research Center (CRC) staff member is required to borrow thin
2. Prior to removing thin sections from the CRC, a completed thin section loan form must
be approved by a CRC staff member and signed by the individual borrowing the thin
sections. The name of the individual’s supervisor, company/organization name, business
address, email address, telephone number, and date must be legibly written on the form.
Students must provide the name and contact information of their primary professor. The
thin section loan sheet must also list each individual depth for each thin section
3. Borrowed thin sections must be transferred from the thin section holders to the boxes
provided by the CRC staff. Empty holders must be returned to the front desk staff; they
must not be removed.
4. Thin sections must be returned within 30 days of the date borrowed.
5. If borrower needs additional time after the 30 days, the loan may be renewed for an
additional 30 days with permission of the CRC staff. If other requests for the thin
sections are made during the renewal extension period, the borrower will be required to
return the thin sections immediately.
6. Borrowers are responsible for repair or replacement of any thin sections broken while on
loan or during shipment. If a borrower wishes to check out a thin section with previous
damage, the defects should be recorded on the thin section loan form and initialed by a
CRC staff member.
7. No more than 100 thin sections will be loaned to one individual/group at a time.
8. International researchers may view thin sections at the CRC but are not allowed to
borrow them.
9. The CRC does not ship thin sections. Thin sections must be picked up at the CRC. They
may be returned in person or by mail. Borrower is responsible for return shipping costs
and for securely packing the thin sections to prevent damage in transit.

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