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SIEMENS PTE LTD (RC No. 199605166D) Revised
Version 01/07/2011
(EFFECTIVE FROM 01/07/2011)
Service & Maintenance Agreement
Partner Code (where applicable):
Agreement Number:
Agreement Commencement Date:
Customer’s Representative Contact Name:
Customer’s Name & Address
hereinafter referred to as “Customer
Customer’s Representative Contact Number:
Siemens’ Representative Contact Name:
Siemens Pte Ltd
60 MacPherson Road
Singapore 348615
hereinafter referred to as “Siemens
Siemens’ Representative Contact Number:
A. Siemens offers to provide services to maintain the Customer’s equipment/product, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and its
Schedules and the Siemens General Conditions of Service and Maintenance, a copy of which is annexed hereto.
B. The Customer accepts the offer on the terms and conditions specified above.
I. Scope of Services
Please refer to Schedule 1 & 2 for details.
II. Fees and Payments
The fee covering the Services for _____________ months commencing on the date stated above shall be S$____________ (the “Fee”) and
excludes any applicable goods and services tax (“GST”) or other government charge or duty (including where applicable, withholding taxes) from
time to time prescribed by law.
* A. The Fee is payable in advance, and shall be paid in instalments of S$______________:
[ ] Monthly
[ ] Quarterly
[ ] Half-yearly
[ ] Yearly
* B. The Fee shall be paid in instalments of S$________________, upon provision of Services under this Agreement.
(* Delete as applicable)
III. Validity of Agreement & Option to Renew
This Agreement shall commence on the date stated above and shall be in force for a term of ___________ months (the “Term”). The Customer
shall have the option to renew this Agreement for further periods of one (1) year subject to Parties’ agreement on any revisions to the Fee, and
provided that such option is exercised at least one (1) month before the date of expiry of this Agreement, and is accepted by Siemens.
List of Schedules
Schedule 1 – Equipment List
Schedule 2 – Scope of Services
Schedule 3 – Specific Terms and Conditions

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