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Sample Acknowledgement Letter
Mr. Elroy T. Elk
2750 N. Lakeview Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
Dear Mr. Elk:
Some people make choices that change lives. Thank you for being one of them.
Your donation will help change the lives of veterans, students and community members
today, tomorrow and for years to come.
Tremendous support from generous donors like you allows the Elks National
Foundation to foster incredible programs like the Community Investments Program. For
example, this year our Lodge could be eligible to receive up to $2,000 each for a
Gratitude and Promise Grant!
** Please insert an example of what your Lodge did or can do with a Gratitude
Grant. An example is:
The Chicago-Northshore, Ill. Lodge, used its Gratitude Grant last year to donate
to Graffiti Zone, an after-school program which gives at-risk youth a creative outlet and
keeps them off the streets. The funds purchased art supplies for the kids, who were
able to benefit from the Elks’ generosity and dedication to youth programs.
Without your support, the ENF wouldn’t be able to give back to Lodges, provide
healthy activities for youth, care for our veterans or support our future leaders with
scholarships. Thanks again for your generosity. Your gift counts toward both your
individual giving level and our Lodge’s per-capita goal. Let’s keep up the good work!
ENF Chairperson
BPO Elks Lodge <No.>

One finds limits by pushing them. | Herbert Simon