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Important notice - guarantee
The student named on the attached Guarantee form has applied for a loan from Monash University. The student
has nominated you as a person who is willing to guarantee repayment of that loan. We are therefore enclosing
the Guarantee Form for your signature.
The loan
The loan must be repaid by the repayment date specified in the Schedule. The loan is interest free for the first
twelve months. A penalty rate of interest may be charged if the loan is not repaid by the repayment date.
The effect of the guarantee
If the student fails to repay the loan by the repayment date, the University may seek payment, from the
Guarantor, of the entire outstanding balance of the loan and any accrued interest charges.
If the student fails to make two (2) consecutive repayments as agreed, both the student and guarantor will be
notified of the same.
Independent legal advice
The University recommends that you seek independent legal advice before signing the guarantee.
Completing the guarantee
If you are happy that you understand the legal and practical effect of the guarantee and you are willing to act as
guarantor for the student, please sign this letter and the guarantee, and return it to the student adviser, Monash
Connect, Monash University. We recommend you keep a copy of the Guarantee form for your records.
Certified forms of identification
You will need to provide three forms of identification. These may include: drivers licence, tax assessment notice,
council rates notice, passport or Australian citizenship certificate. These documents must be certified using the
same coloured ink.
Proof of citizenship or permanent residency: if you were not born in Australia you will need to provide a copy of
your citizenship papers of permanent residency visa.
Acknowledgement by guarantor:
I acknowledge that I have received, read and ___________________________________
understood this important notice (Guarantor)
……..…/…………/…..…….. Date

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