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Sample Resume
444 4-H Drive
Heart, Alabama 30000
(334) 976-8001
To demonstrate leadership skills learned through 4-H
Wilma Ruffin High School
Heart, AL
Sophomore, 1998
Concentration in agriculture and music. Marching band
(1991-94), FFA President (1991-94), Escambia
County FFA Livestock Judging Team - First Place Winners.
Skills and Accomplishments
Participates as a member of a team:
•Served as a member of the Meats Judging Team. Demonstrated
dedication and hard work to make the team a winner. Our
Meats Team placed first at State and went on to compete at
•Served as camp counselor for 4-H Summer Camp at Camp
Timpoochee. Demonstrated teamwork from campers and
counselors to make Camp a great summer experience.
•Served as a camp counselor for Epilepsy Camp, providing
for the special needs of children with epilepsy.
Exercises leadership:
•Provided leadership at the monthly County 4-H Council
meeting by serving as Council President.
•Served on the State 4-H Council Executive Board and helped
coordinate the State 4-H Council Project of a Community
Clean-up Campaign.
•Provided leadership with Camp Counselor Training and at
summer day camps for younger youth in recreation and
camping skills.
Teaches others new skills:
•Taught other youth skills in the 4-H Steer Program through
workshops, clinics, individual demonstrations and help with
their 4-H Records.
Organizes and maintains information:
•Kept minutes of all the meetings and maintained
correspondence with the District Representative as District
4-H Council Secretary.
•Coordinated all the entries, bids, exhibit display, and
nformation for the Silent Auction at 4-H Chautauga. i
Time resources:

The only way around is through. | Robert Frost