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Nick Sayers Graphic Designer CV
Website Email [email protected]
Contact 27 Clarendon Villas, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 3RE, England
Telephone +44 (0) 1273 388751 Mobile +44 (0) 7812 036415
Profile I am a freelance graphic designer for web and print, with a client list and portfolio
focused on arts, music, film and community work. I am a dedicated advocate of
clean, accessible design and have a sharp attention to detail. Being self-employed
(since November 1999) I have strong management and communication skills. I
keep aware of current web and print technologies and trends, and am a diligent
Internet researcher. I have a passion for typography, having designed a number of
my own fonts. Panoramic photography is an activity that has always been a hobby,
but which I am now bringing into my professional work.
IT Skills Expert knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, ActionScript, BBEdit,
JavaScript, CSS, X/HTML, Dreamweaver, InDesign, QuarkXPress and Acrobat
Advanced abilities in ColorSync, ImageReady, Microsoft Office and FontLab
Good working knowledge of Fireworks, FreeHand and CorelDraw
I am equally at home using Mac OS or Windows
Expertise in graphic design, programming, typography, panoramic photography,
computer operating systems and networks
Clients V&A Photography Gallery and Cleveland Museum (for Cognitive Applications), Manic
Street Preachers (for Kleber), Oxford University Press, Tunbridge Wells Borough
Council, University of Sussex, Zap Art, MeCCSA (Media, Communications & Cultural
Studies Association), Coinslot, Freelance Store, Jackson Lowe Marketing (see
below), Magnetic South, Friction Records (see below), Komedia Theatre and
Radical Philosophy magazine.
Employment Graphic Designer for web and print
Jackson Lowe Marketing, Lewes, Jan – Apr 2001
Working for this web and print design company, I designed and maintained clients’
websites using Dreamweaver and Flash. This included raw coding in Flash
ActionScript, JavaScript, CSS and HTML. I was also responsible for redesigning the
company’s website and brand identity, and producing corporate print brochures
using QuarkXPress, Photoshop and Illustrator.
Cherrybyte, FDM Group Plc, Brighton, Sept – Oct 2000
Having completing the Web Design course at FDM (see below), I was chosen to
work in the company’s web design department. In my time there I was responsible
for the design and ActionScript coding of a number of interactive Flash movies.
First Choice Travel, Brighton, Feb – Aug 1999
Working as part of the Brochure Production team in this travel company’s head
office, I was responsible for laying out brochures in QuarkXPress, and designing
logos and page elements in Illustrator. I also carried out technical maintenance on
the Macintosh network, including network configuration, font management and
general troubleshooting.

If it really was a no–brainer to make it on your own in business there’d be millions of no–brained, harebrained, and otherwise dubiously brained individuals quitting their day jobs and hanging out their own shingles. Nobody would be left to round out the workforce and execute the business plan. | Bill Rancic