Sports Clubs Directory: Registration Form
Enfield Library Service in partnership with Enfield's Everybody Active Team
If you are a local Sports club and want to be included in our online Sports Directory and Sports
Development database, please print, complete and importantly sign this registration form and hand it in to
any Enfield Library titled ‘Sports Directory Registration’ or post it back
To: ‘Sports Directory Registration’
Everybody Active Team, 8
Floor, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 3XA.
To make minor amendments to existing entries please contact either:
Enfield Library Service digital.services@enfield.gov.uk 0208 379 8361 (Libraries)
Name of Group or Organisation:
Your Position: (e.g. club secretary etc)
Your Home Address:
Post Code
Your Club Address:
Post Code
Days and times when Club meets for training sessions:
Days and times when Club meets socially training sessions:
Does your club also have sections for:
Children only Yes / No Teens only (13-18) Yes / No Disability Youth Yes / No
Women only Yes / No Men only Yes / No Disability Adults Yes / No
Disabled Access: The Everybody Active Team has signed up to Inclusive and Active 2; Please
describe below how your club engages with disabled people.
(please specify)