Local Joint Committee – Part A
9 January 2015
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To inform members in their scrutiny role on progress of the Employee Engagement
Improvement Action Plan (EEIAP)
Key issues
• The Action Plan has been monitored at the Staff Committee Management
Team meeting on 9 October
• Progress on some of the Themes has been slower than would have been liked
however, some have progressed further than anticipated.
• To generate a baseline assessment on Stress in the workplace, a Well Being at
Work Survey was undertaken in August
• The Authority signed the Mindful Employer Charter on 10 October (World
Mental Health Day)
• Questions for the next Staff Survey have been drafted; the number of questions
have been shortened.
• The Staff Survey 2014 will run from 30 October for 3 weeks
• The Investors in People 18 month review is planned for 3 December.
That work to progress on the Employee Engagement Improvement Action Plan
is endorsed
How does this contribute to our policies and legal obligations?
The Action Plan to improve the level of employee engagement positively contributes to
Corporate Objective 11 – Be a well-run public body with proportionate and effective
ways of working, delivering excellent customer service and living our values.
The outcomes of the 2012 Staff Survey and Staff focus groups held in 2013 gave rise
to the Employee Engagement Improvement Action Plan. The Action Plan identified 10
themes of work and aspirations to which the Senior Management Team (SMT) made a
commitment. Each member of the SMT taking on the role of Action Owner or
Advocate for a theme.
Vision, Mission and Corporate Direction – Rachel Gillis
Leadership Team Development – Jim Dixon
Internal Communications Strategy – Ruth Marchington
Give Employees Meaningful Voice – Theresa Reid
Integrate the JPAR scheme with core processes – Mary Bagley
Manage Unsatisfactory Performance – John Scott
Well Being at Work – Jane Chapman
Enhance Competence in People Management and Communication Skills – Theresa
Manage Change Effectively – Ruth Marchington
Manage Information – Jeff Winston
It was agreed that progress against the Action Plan would be monitored at the regular
Staff Committee/Management Team meetings and the Local Joint Committee would
undertake the scrutiny role at their biannual meetings.