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“We will Lease your home in 30 days or it’s FREE”
This agreement dated ____________, is made By and Between ______________________
___________________________, ("Owner"), AND, whose
address is 2325 W Franklin St. ("Agent.")
1. Agency. The Owner hereby employs the Agent to lease the
Owner's ("Property")located and described as follows:(Address or Legal Description)
2. Duties of Agent. In order to properly lease the property, the Agent shall have the following
duties and responsibilities:
A. BEST EFFORTS. The Agent shall use its best efforts to attract and
retain tenants for the property and act in a fiduciary capacity as the Owner’s agent.
B. ADVERTISE PROPERTY. The Agent shall advertise property on the website. The agent shall be responsible for providing
digital pictures along with other pertinent information to attract tenants. The Agent
shall place a “For Rent” yard sign on property. Agent shall have flyers available to all
prospective tenants upon request. Agent shall advertise “website” in a manner in order
to draw prospective tenants to site.
C. PRIMARY CONTACT. To serve as a primary contact for all tenant inquiries prior to
signing and acceptance of lease agreement.
D. LEASE NEGOTIATIONS. The Agent shall handle all negotiations with
tenants with respect to leases. All such agreements are subject to the
approval of the Owner. However, the Owner may provide the Agent with
authorization to lease under certain specified terms and conditions.
E. COLLECT FIRST MONTHS RENT AND DEPOSIT. The Agent shall be responsible
for collection of initial rent payment and/or deposit from tenant according to terms of
lease. Agent shall immediately turn over any monies collected to Owner.
F. DOCUMENTATION. The Agent shall turn over to Owner the signed lease agreement,
credit application and any other pertinent documentation.
G. FAIR HOUSING. The agent shall abide by all fair housing rules and regulations.
3. Term of Contract. This contract shall continue for a period of thirty days from the date
hereof, and shall be automatically renewed from period to period unless terminated.

Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. | Vince Lombardi