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SKS Reunion Planning Committee and Alumni Association Agenda
December 5, 2015, 6 PM, Cornell Club, New York City
In Attendance: Scott Cantor ’73, Alumni Association President; Phil Cunningham ‘72; Ken Ryan ’72; Chris
Capers ’74; Tom Rempe ’97; David Perez ‘02; Johnathan Flores ’12; Madison Sergi ’14; Lynn Crevling ’72,
SKS Director of Leadership Support and Alumni Relations; Norm Rasmussen, Annual Giving and Special
Events Manager
Reunion 2016 - Friday Night Norm Rasmussen offered the two preferred options for the Friday night
of Reunion Weekend as a Hudson River cruise or an on-campus barbecue and bonfire. He explained
that previous private SKS boat cruises have not covered expenses, so that if a boat cruise is offered it
would be a cruise that would also be open to the public and SKS might fill 80% of the capacity. There
was discussion and meeting participants supported the on-campus option. Norm had spoked to honor
year Class Agents and sought their input, and there was not a strong preference expressed for the
Hudson cruise. Norm will proceed with developing a weekend agenda and pricing accordingly.
Reunion 2016 - Awards Recommendations Scott Cantor ’73 described the process undergone by
the Sports Hall of Fame Subcommittee that met on November 18 (membership on next page). All
nominations were for the Class of 1966, despite efforts to encourage nominations from other eras. The
Subcommittee’s recommendations for induction of the following nominees were reported as follows:
1. 1966 The Soccer Team
2. David Coxon ‘66
3. Tom Terry ‘66
Meeting participants agreed to put forward these inductees, pending their acceptance and attendance
at reunion.
No nominations were received for the Margaret Clark Faculty Excellence Award this year. Participants
agreed that there need not be nominations every year.
Nominations for The Founder’s Cup Award are proceeding at the staff and Board level.
Sesquicentennial Committee Volunteer Opportunities Work is underway on the school’s
Sesquicentennial (150
)anniversary, to be celebrated largely in 2017-2018, with Reunion Weekend 2018
being the culminating event. Scott Cantor said that he would like to see 400 people or a record of
attendance never known before.
Alumni are invited to volunteer for the following Sesquicentennial Committees by letting Lynn know.
Lynn will pass volunteers’ names along to the Committee chairperson.
SKS History
Capital Campaign
Remote participation will be accommodated whenever possible.