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Section 59.1 Purpose:
To establish policies, procedures, and responsibilities for Individual Performance Planning and
Appraisal (IPPA) in the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service for all bargaining unit
employees that shall: provide an appraisal of an employee’s performance; provide guidance to the
employee in correcting any areas of deficiency as needed; and recognize successful performance.
Section 59.2 Components:
Performance Plan:
establishment of performance expectations and developmental action plan at
the beginning of each review period.
Performance Management:
a supervisor’s periodic observation and documentation of
performance, on-going feedback, and conduct of progress discussions through out the review
Performance Appraisal:
conclusion of the process which includes rating the performance of the
employee, providing feedback, and noting progress of the developmental action plan.
Section 59.3 Definitions:
A. Critical Standards
: A performance expectation or standard critical to the competent
performance of the essential duties and responsibilities of the position identified in the IPPA.
Failure to perform any one critical standard at an acceptable level indicates an overall inability to
perform the job and should result in an overall rating of “Does Not Meet Expectations.”
B. Developmental action plan
: That portion of the Individual Performance Plan where the
immediate supervisor and employee jointly establish goals for employee development when
opportunities for improvement and development have been identified.
C. Immediate supervisor
: The individual responsible for assigning and evaluating an
employee’s work.
D. Individual performance appraisal
: An immediate supervisor’s written evaluation of an
employee’s performance in relation to the critical and other standards in the employee’s
performance plan. A performance appraisal may be an interim or annual. The appraisal must be
documented on the IPPA form.
E. Interim evaluation
: A performance evaluation conducted by a supervisor at a time
between the annual performance evaluation to monitor a probationary employee or address a
situation where an employee’s current job performance is not at an acceptable level of
F. Overall rating
: An overall summary rating in the employee’s IPPA that best describes the
employee’s overall level of performance during the period covered by an IPPA.
G. Performance plan
: That portion of the IPPA that records performance expectations and
standards and is the basis for assessment of the employee's work performance.
H. Performance standard
: is a written description of the quantity, quality, and characteristics
of the job, the type of work to be performed, skill or knowledge to be demonstrated, or the results
that the employee is expected to accomplish.
I. Progress discussion
: An immediate supervisor’s periodic oral or written assessment of
an employee's performance in relation to the expectations in the performance plan.

A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. | Unknown