Appendix 3
Project Exception Report for Chief
Executive Service
Generated on: 19 May 2016
Develop our approach to encouraging our providers to pay the
Living Wage
Increased commitment by our Providers towards paying the Living Wage to their employees
2015/16 - The Council has completed all document changes within its control and
through regular contract review meetings, as well as meet the buyer events, has been
emphasising the Council’s desire that our providers and contractors pay the Living
Wage. Some guidance has been issued by the Scottish Government in relation to
Living Wage payments tied to budget conditions in the area of Social Care, however it is
limited. There is still no Government guidance on how the issue should be addressed
in general within the new European Single Procurement Document.
2016/17 – A Scottish Government Circular was issued on 2 June 2016, but it appears
only to relate to legal obligations. As soon as full guidance is issued which would cover
the voluntary payment of the Living Wage, we will implement any necessary changes to
progress this policy.
2016/17 – No resource implications for this financial year
Rhona Lewis, Head of Legal & Democratic Services
Deliver the Dumfries & Galloway Council Communications Strategy
Deliver the Dumfries & Galloway Council Communications Strategy
2015/16 – A communications strategy and action plan have been drafted with some
consultation. Prior to these being presented to Elected Members for approval, further
work with key stakeholders, taking into account the new reshaped Council and the
outcome of relevant Service Reviews is necessary to finalise these for presentation at
committee. The appointment of a Policy & Communications Manager will enable this to
be finalised and brought to Policy & Resources committee later in 2016.
2016/17 – Agreement and implementation of communications strategy and action plan