Filing fee The ling fee for the annual report is $55. If you are ling this annual report as part of a
reinstatement due to forfeiture, you may owe a different fee (fees are listed with the
reinstatement form). For more information, please call (785) 296-4564.
Payment Please enclose a check or money order payable to the Secretary of State. Forms received
without the appropriate fee will not be accepted for ling. Please do not send cash. NOTICE:
There is a $25 service fee for all checks returned by your nancial institution. Also, to
expedite processing, please do not use staples on your documents or to attach checks.
Mailing address This is the address where you would like to receive ofcial mail from the Secretary of State’s
ofce. If your address has changed, check the box on the form, so that we may update our
records with your new address.
Due date Annual reports are due on the 15th day of the fourth month following the tax closing month.
EXAMPLE: If the tax closing month is December, the due date is April 15 of the following
year. The annual report may be led as early as January 1.
Forfeiture date If the annual report is not led and the appropriate fee is not paid within 90 days following the
due date, the business will be forfeited in Kansas. If the forfeited business wishes to return
to active and good standing status, a reinstatement process is required and penalties will be
assessed. EXAMPLE: If the tax closing month is December, the due date is April 15, and the
forfeiture date is July 15. A business must le the annual report and pay the annual report fee
on or before the forfeiture date to avoid forfeiture.
Corrected annual
If you wish to correct information that was erroneously provided on a previously led annual
report, you may le a Corrected Document form (form COR). Complete the form and attach a
complete and correct new Annual Report (form AR) and submit with a $55 ling fee.
Additional information If additional space is needed, please provide an attachment.
kansas secretary of state
For-Prot Corporation
Annual Report
Kansas Ofce of the Secretary of State:
Memorial Hall, 1st Floor (785) 296-4564
Topeka, KS 66612-1594 www.sos.ks.gov
K.S.A. 17-7503, 17-7505
Rev. 12/22/16 tc
Please proceed to form.
The following form must be complete and
accompanied by the correct filing fee or the
document will not be accepted for filing.
Save time and money by filing your forms
online at www.sos.ks.gov. There, you can
also stay up-to-date on your organization’s
status, annual report due date, and contact
Do Not