HTML Preview Job Work Order page number 1.

Work Order
Complete and return to:
Marketing and Communications
Campus Box 1027
FAX: 618-650-3616
For Ofce Use Only
Project Number: ___________________________
Date Received: ____________________________
Billing Cost: _______________________________
Date Billed: _______________________________
Project/Relationship Manager: _________________
Client: ___________________________________
Contact Information
Requested Deadline: _____________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Campus Box: ___________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Account Title: ___________________________________
If you are using multiple accounts, list in description section or
attach a sheet.
Budget Purpose Number: _________________________
Department: ____________________________________
Name of Job: ___________________________________
Note: Please call to conrm receipt of your work order. Requested Deadline is not guaranteed and is based on
various factors including complexity of project, proong time required, etc.
Description of Work Requested
h Copywriting h Graphic Design h Media Relations h Photography h Printing h Web Development/
h Social Media Integration h Video Development/Design h Video of Live Event h Video of Live Event
(recording only) (recording and streaming)
Check any that apply to this job:
For photography or video please include: Date:
_______________ Start Time _____________ End Time _____________
Place ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Please identify proong team: Reviewer(s) _______________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ Approver __________________________
For reprints, please include sample of previous job. Quantity for Printed Materials ________________________________
Please provide a brief description of the work requested. If printwork, please include specications known. If possible, include samples
of previous job or sample of item you would like to reference with work order, either in PDF to [email protected] or as hardcopy.
Delivery Information
Building and Room: ___________________ Send Final Bill to: __________________________________________
I certify that there is an unobligated balance
available in the account for this purchase.
Fiscal Ofcer Signature Date
June 2017
Save to pdf and attach to email, fax or
deliver to Marketing and Communications.
Sign as scal ofcer or have the scal ofcer send an email with the work order attached.
Note: Client is responsible for requesting mailing services from Mailing Methods and supplying mailing lists.
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The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer. | Unknown