Work Order
Complete and return to:
Marketing and Communications
Campus Box 1027
FAX: 618-650-3616
For Ofce Use Only
Project Number: ___________________________
Date Received: ____________________________
Billing Cost: _______________________________
Date Billed: _______________________________
Project/Relationship Manager: _________________
Client: ___________________________________
Contact Information
Requested Deadline: _____________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Campus Box: ___________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Account Title: ___________________________________
If you are using multiple accounts, list in description section or
attach a sheet.
Budget Purpose Number: _________________________
Department: ____________________________________
Name of Job: ___________________________________
Note: Please call to conrm receipt of your work order. Requested Deadline is not guaranteed and is based on
various factors including complexity of project, proong time required, etc.
Description of Work Requested
h Copywriting h Graphic Design h Media Relations h Photography h Printing h Web Development/
h Social Media Integration h Video Development/Design h Video of Live Event h Video of Live Event
(recording only) (recording and streaming)
Check any that apply to this job:
For photography or video please include: Date:
_______________ Start Time _____________ End Time _____________
Place ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Please identify proong team: Reviewer(s) _______________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ Approver __________________________
For reprints, please include sample of previous job. Quantity for Printed Materials ________________________________
Please provide a brief description of the work requested. If printwork, please include specications known. If possible, include samples
of previous job or sample of item you would like to reference with work order
, either in PDF to
[email protected] or as hardcopy
Delivery Information
Building and Room: ___________________ Send Final Bill to: __________________________________________
I certify that there is an unobligated balance
available in the account for this purchase.
Fiscal Ofcer Signature Date
June 2017
Save to pdf and attach to email, fax or
deliver to Marketing and Communications.
Sign as scal ofcer or have the scal ofcer send an email with the work order attached.
Note: Client is responsible for requesting mailing services from Mailing Methods and supplying mailing lists.