Scholarly Activity Professional Presentation Evaluation Form
Resident Name: OGME:
Topic: Date:
Please evaluate the following components and provide feedback.
Please fill in the blank spaces below by using the following rating scale:
1 = below expectations/need further development
2 =as expected for level of training/competent
3 =above expectations for level of training/advanced ability
N/A =not applicable if unable to rate/not observed
Medical Knowledge
Osteopathic Principles and Practice
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Provides presentation outline/framework and sets expectations at the beginning
Possesses and applies relevant basic science and clinical knowledge for topic presented
Demonstrates knowledge applied to problem-solving, critical thinking and decision making
Integrates the osteopathic paradigm as part of the presentation
Incorporates structure-function relationships when developing points
Appropriately recommends or applies osteopathic manipulative therapy if/when indicated
Starts, proceeds and concludes presentation in a timely and effective fashion
Established rapport with the audience by demonstrating empathic speaking/listening skills
Increases audience understanding and involvement; appropriately answers questions
Speaks audibly/suitably, paces meeting appropriately, periodically summarizes progress
Uses eye contact, facial expressions, hand movements and laser pointer appropriately
Uses clear and concise audio/visual aids; handouts coordinate with the presentation
Clarifies terminology and presents clinical information to increase relevance
Draws a meaningful conclusion to the activity
Appropriately plans event; scope/topic is appropriate for audience
Appears confident/in control and shows command/leadership of the meeting
Acknowledges guests, divergent viewpoints and handles distractions effectively
Demonstrates organization, reliability and integrity; adheres to presentation guidelines
Dresses and behaves appropriately and respectfully for presentation
Reflects genuine awareness to audience/learner needs and diversity